Blockspaces Connect: Helping The Manufacturing Industry Optimize Their Supply Chains.

Manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, shippers and distributors all play key roles within the supply chain. Having the ability to connect wit

Chuck Dyer
July 22, 2021
Blockspaces Connect: Helping The Manufacturing Industry Optimize Their 
Supply Chains.

Manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, shippers and distributors all play key roles within the supply chain. Having the ability to connect with each supply chain partner is a vital part of everyday business goals in the manufacturing sector. As factories around the world become increasingly more interconnected, the influence of blockchain is becoming more prevalent. Even so, there is a challenge in manufacturing to adapt to the technology that can bring interconnection and synchronization.

To date, many manufacturing companies are aware of the significant potential the technology can have on their business. Blockchain allows for an entirely new manufacturing business model due to increasing visibility across all areas of the process from suppliers, strategic sourcing, and supplier quality. As mentioned, manufacturers’ supply chains are sophisticated, complex organizations with a number of nuances that can make transparency and accountability challenging, but making use of blockchain’s distributed ledger structure would improve efficiency. By scaling supplier order accuracy, product quality and track-and-traceability, manufacturers would be able to better hit delivery dates and enhance product quality.

For many manufacturing companies, it is becoming somewhat of a requirement to either use or create a digital environment that seamlessly integrates with the operations carried out by the various entities used within their supply chain. Using technological advancements now enable manufacturers to use end-to-end supply chain solutions that speed up processes and avoid bottlenecks in the supply chain. Interestingly enough, real time/near real time information is the key factor in supply chain management, which is a key benefit of the technology. Manufacturers need to invest in new technologies to stay ahead, or with, their competitors.

With that being said, manufacturers often have long upgrade cycles and need to modernize existing IT before feeling like they can make the switch to blockchain. Many IT teams fear that they have to research and have hands-on experience with the technology in order to deploy it successfully. But what if there was a solution that would allow for seamless adoption?

BlockSpaces Connect is just that. Connect provides seamless, code-free blockchain integration with existing software applications. Connect’s platform is built for the specific challenges of blockchain integration. The platform utilizes a library of pre-built integrations to connect everyday business applications with multiple blockchain networks to provide data visibility and efficiencies beyond individual, disparate systems and information silos.

Oftentimes, manufacturing has been considered an industry that is set in its ways. However, times are changing, and BlockSpaces is ready to assist manufacturers with such technological changes.

We are interested in hearing some of the challenges you may be facing in manufacturing and supply chain and would welcome the opportunity to have a conversation on how BlockSpaces Connect can address these challenges.

Please reach out to our team